I got a few questions after my last post on golang regarding concurrency. What makes it so easy? I thought I would just give you an example. Below is a simple program that completes a bunch of health checks concurrently.
Do something fun this weekend and Download golang at https://golang.org/ and fiddle with the program below. Let me know what you think.
package main
import (
type healthCheckResult struct {
Url string
HttpStatus int
ServiceStatus string `json:"result"`
// concurrency example: Health checks
func main() {
// endpoints to check
checks := []string{
// create a wait group for concurrent tasks
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// define nr of tasks to complete
// result channel for finished tasks
checkRes := make(chan *healthCheckResult, len(checks))
// start a go routine to wait for all tasks to complete
go func() {
wg.Wait() // Blocking waiter until all tasks are completed
close(checkRes) // close the result channel
// start tasks concurrently
for _, url := range checks {
go healthCheck(url, checkRes)
// print results as they become available
for res := range checkRes {
wg.Done() // mark task as completed
log.Printf("%s %d: %s", res.Url, res.HttpStatus, res.ServiceStatus)
func healthCheck(url string, checkRes chan *healthCheckResult) {
res := &healthCheckResult{Url: url, ServiceStatus: "n/a"}
if httpRes, err := http.Get(url); err != nil {
checkRes <- res // nothing to do, couldn't reach host
} else {
// handle response
defer httpRes.Body.Close()
res.HttpStatus = httpRes.StatusCode
bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(httpRes.Body)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, res)
checkRes <- res // send result on channel
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