
Videos and visualizations of Haaartland

All in community have access

Peter Nordmark

Visualization of a small social network

Visualizations are powerful! In this example, I have plotted users of our own intranet on Haaartland. Thicker lines mean more communication and the distance between people represents closeness. Multiple lines can exist between two people representing...Show more


Benjamin Brooklyn

Benjamin Brooklyn

Really nice visual 👍👍👍
Terry Winship

Terry Winship

Interesting visual.

Peter Nordmark

A growing private community. Only contributors are represented in the animation. Pure consumers are omitted, consumers make up 98% of this community due to its focus. On an intranet community, there would be more contributors than pure consumers. It's pretty fun to visualize the behavior in this way. Stay tuned for more!


Peter Nordmark

May-June 2020 a few months into the pandemic the digital transformation happened all by itself 😀
Niklas Lohmann

Niklas Lohmann

@Petra Privat Norling tips 🙂

Peter Nordmark

How our api evolved with the times. Time lapse from 2016 😀

Haaartland 3.0 API Project

A time lapse visualisation of the development project through the years The api has been continuously updated to support newer versions of clients but the basic thought is the same. Note the big bang refactoring when it grew too large :-)


Peter Nordmark

Pretty cool animation. Look at those worker ants go!

Haaartland 3.0 - Web Project

A time lapse visualisation of the development project. The project ran for 6 months in total. Light speed development in fast forward :-)


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